What has Tacey Law Group been up to?

Answer: Over $160 million in Business Transactions!   Many times we are asked, “What does your firm do?” We usually answer, “A lot!” Therefore, we wanted to share some of the amazing work we’ve had the privilege of executing for some...

Notified Body

Greater Oversight of Notified Bodies in Europe gives Manufacturers Hope … maybe In the wake of former Commissioner John Dalli’s call last year for tighter EU regulatory controls over the medtech industry following the PIP breast implant debacle, twelve notified bodies...

Shawn Says So

In the coming months, you may see me rave or rant a time or two on issues that are germane to our business or family lives. The intention is to promote thought and debate, as I am sure I will get it wrong half of the time. I look forward to your correction. As you can...

Raising Capital in Washington Just Got Easier

Our firm has long believed that small businesses are the lifeblood of our economy. The Washington legislature recently showed that it agrees with us by passing a new “equity crowd-funding” bill that will allow companies to offer shares of stock to both...

Estate Planning Is Now

I write to tell you something that has been weighing heavily on my conscience. In the last 8 years, our firm has been brought into some very emotional and traumatic circumstances where a loved one dies or becomes incapacitated without having their estate in order. I...

Washington Supreme Court Backs Consumers

Unless you have been paying close attention, and most of us have not, the businesses you use everyday have been waging war on your ability to hold them accountable. Buried in those service agreements and “click through” licensing agreements are mandatory arbitration...